Evaporator BL95A Plate Heat Exchangers for Evaporation 2" R22 50/50mm

In addition to the compressor and expansion valve, the basic thermal equipment of the refrigeration unit must equip with basic heat exchangers—condensers and evaporators. Wisewater Evaporator device is used in most advantage portable liquid chillers and smaller central liquid chillers. Their space-efficient shape and high efficiency allow for compact machine design. The non-ferrous construction eliminates rusting and alternating plate design makes the brazed plate evaporators less susceptible to freeze damage when compared with shell and tube evaporators.


  1. Material: 304, SS316 (Copper brazed)
  2. Evap Capacity: from 2.5kW to 250kW
  3. Max working pressure: 3.0MPa
  4. Test pressure: 4.5 MPa
  5. Water IN/OUT: NPT2"
  6. R22: 50/50mm
  7. Dimension(BXDXA), N indicated quantity of plate
    For example BL95A-36R, N is 36

    Type A(mm) B(mm) D(mm) Liquid Retardation Volume(Liter)  Heat Exchanging Area(m2)
    BL95A 11+2.4N 191 616 0.105(N-2) 0.095(N-2)

1.Ground Source Heat Pump
2.Air Conditioning Energy
3.Refrigeration Cycle

*Customization Service

Max working pressure up to 4.5 MPa for R407c

Mounting/support base is available.

Technical calculation support and Temperature sensor port(evaporator) are available.

Evaporator Quick Sizing Table.pdf

Heat Exchanger Quote Form Download.pdf

Limited Warranty of Heat Exchanger.pdf

BPHE Brochure.pdf


Please refer to the instruction manual for cleaning, installation, and welding.

Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger Instruction Manual.pdf

We have worked with heating systems for over 10 years and specialized in the manufacturing, designing and marketing of heat exchangers and oil coolers for industrial and commercial applications. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.